Measurements of fences2021-04-22T11:57:13+00:00

One of the prerequisites for the installation of the fence without complications and its long service in the future is the manufacture of all parts with strict adherence to dimensions.

That is why it is so important to professionally measure the site: the higher the accuracy of production, the less time and effort will have to be spent on fitting the fence on the site. In addition, a fence assembled with minimal gaps looks neater and copes much better with all the loads.

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The more accurately the dimensions of the site are removed, the better the finished fence will be. At the same time, the connection between the quality of measurements and the result is obvious:

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  • Accurate sizing of the fence allows you to avoid fitting parts on site during installation.

  • The gates and gates will be incorporated into the project exactly where they should be – opposite the pedestrian paths and entrances to the courtyard.

  • Measurements of elevation changes allow you to predict them and take measures to compensate them in advance, avoiding skewing of the fence.

All these advantages are achieved only through professional measurements with high accuracy. In this case, even a minor error can lead to the fact that the sections will be longer or shorter than the place for their installation. This will greatly complicate the installation. And in some cases, it will make it impossible – it will require alteration of one or more sections, associated with high costs. Thus, accurate measurement of the fence is one of the most important factors in saving.

Accurate metering: why is it important?

In the manufacture of metal parts for building envelopes, it is very important to have at your disposal the exact dimensions of the site. This is necessary for:

  • Calculation of the number of sections taking into account technological limitations.

  • Calculating the size of each element from which the sections will be assembled.

  • Taking into account the features of the site itself – height differences, deviations from rectangular shape, etc.

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All this data is used by process engineers when cutting metal and forming lamellas or other elements for a metal fence. The higher the accuracy, the less deviations there will be in the dimensions of the fence itself, and the easier it will be to install it. In any case, you cannot do without accurate measurements of the site using a professional tool: practice shows that the use of the numbers that are given in the documentation for a plot of land leads to serious errors in the actual dimensions.

What is the cost of the measurement?

The measurements are carried out by qualified craftsmen with many years of experience and who know which parameters will be critical in the manufacture of the fence. In this case, the cost of measurement takes into account:

  • The cost of information processing by design engineers.

  • Transportation costs (the amount does not change regardless of the location of the site).

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The attraction of qualified specialists to the size is caused by an objective necessity.

Only having objective data on hand, the company can be responsible for the fact that the fence made according to the dimensions provided will really fit the dimensions of the site, and during installation it is not necessary to adjust the parts on site.