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“Mehbud” plant

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Rectangular ceiling for a hotel

Metal rectangular beams in dark color RAL-7024 (graphite grey) were used for the hotel ceiling. The uniqueness of the dark version of the ceiling treatment helped create a unique designer interior. It accentuated the facade of the building.

The rectangular ceiling for a hotel meets the following requirements:

  • Attractive appearance. The main function of the hotel ceiling is aesthetic. This means that the surface should be perfectly even and the individual elements should be attractive enough.
  • Strength and durability. In principle, the ceiling suspension system should not be designed for serious loads. But some strength is necessary, otherwise even minor actions will lead to deformation of the ceiling.
  • Resistance to external factors. First and foremost, the hotel coating should be moisture-resistant – moisture penetration most often leads to deformation or deterioration of the appearance of the ceiling covering.
  • Safety. The priority here is fire protection. Communications, including electrical wiring, are often located behind ceiling coverings in hotels. The use of non-combustible materials in the manufacture of ceilings minimizes the risk of fire.

A dark ceiling in the interior always looks unconventional and unusual, while being suitable for any space from suburban homes to commercial facilities.

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