Great news!

We hasten to inform you that we have updated the quality certificate for all our products! The “Mehbud” plant is constantly undergoing certification and strives to manufacture only high-quality products that meet all State Standards. That is why we are constantly certified by UkrSEPRO.

Today we can safely say that all products manufactured at the “Mehbud” plant comply with the standards and State Standards of Ukraine!

Quality as standard!

The UkrSEPRO Certificate of Conformity is an official document with legal force, which confirms that the product complies with the norms and rules of the legislation, and is also registered in the unified state register of Ukraine.

A certificate is a document certifying that the product is of high quality and meets all standards in force in Ukraine, such as GOST, DSTU, TU and others.

The certificate of conformity is a quality indicator that is important, first of all, for the consumer.

Today, UkrSEPRO certification is a quality control system for any product in Ukraine. This certificate is similar in meaning to the international ISO 9000.